at 393,388 tons, an increase of 83,483 tons or 27%, primarily from continually growing of B20 consumption as the increasing subsidies policy on B20 to be lower than B7 from 3 Baht/ litre to 5 Baht
times, compared to the Company’s policy of not exceeding 1.50 times and the debenture covenant of not exceeding 1.75 times. 2019 Outlook The Company expects 2019 revenue to continue growing from 2018 due
times, compared to the Company’s policy of not exceeding 1.50 times and the debenture covenant of not exceeding 1.75 times. 2019 Outlook The Company expects 2019 revenue to continue growing from 2018 due
US$1.04 trillion5 and 267 million population with young working age population, growing middle and upper income class, rapid digital penetration, high credit growth6 and large unbanked population7
growing revenue to THB 11,223 million with the Normalized Net Profit (NNP) of THB 1,158 million and NNP-owner of the parent of THB 682 million, growing 54.0% y-on-y. This remarkable performance came from 1
to manufacture and commercialize sustainable polyester resin to meet growing global demand. IVL will have an exclusive, world-wide license to use Loop’s technology to produce 100% sustainably produced
Management Business In the second quarter of 2017, the fund management business had a net worth of 4.8 trillion baht, growing by 3.67% from the end of 2016 and growing by 1.68% from the first quarter of 2017
, growing by 3.67% from the end of 2016 and growing by 1.68% from the first quarter of 2017. For the overall in the old direction was that fixed income funds had the largest share in the industry. The
channels to department stores and beauty salons throughout the countries. The Company’s business operation kept growing up with sustainability and there were more variety of the products for the distribution
% completed by Octo- ber2017 2 Expansion of HVA Automo- tive Fibers in China (Per- formance Fi- bers) 18 Kt pa 1H18 a. Expand to meet growing de- mand of tire-cords 3 Expected doubling pro- duction of IPA with