.Thai Juristic Persons Thai Juristic Persons 543,892.51 1.Short-term Debt Securities Short-term Debt Securities 327,830.07 1.Thai Investors Thai Investors 327,780.07 Institutions 257,599.59 High Net Worth
1 Thai Juristic Persons By Thai Juristic 543,842.49 1.Short-term Debt Securities Short-term 327,780.06 Public Offerings 800.00 Institutions / High Net Worth Investors 262,656.39 Private Placements
Notification. “critical function” means any activities related to services, transactions or any other functions of an intermediary, the disruption of which would significantly affect customers, business
Notification. “critical function” means any activities related to services, transactions or any other functions of an intermediary, the disruption of which would significantly affect customers, business
percent in Q2/2018). The increase of gross profit was the result of low overhead cost due to high production volume and the higher in sales. Selling Expenses The Company and its subsidiaries had the
capital market supervision is crucial and necessary. The regulations under this Notification set a standard for operation of securities clearing houses and central securities depositories so that their
strategies for the development and promotion of duties and self-discipline within securities companies – a critical responsibility for everyone, including the board and management, customer service, risk
Notification. “ critical function ” means any activities related to services, transactions or any other functions of an intermediary, the disruption of which would significantly affect customers, business
services amounted to Baht 274 million, decreased by Baht 1,021 million or 79% YoY. Net loss resulted from total revenue from sales and services of the Company and subsidiary decrease together with high level
emissions, and those that remove and store greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Examples include purchasing high quality, jurisdictional REDD+ carbon credits that support countries in raising the ambition on