, the audit firms should always consider fundamental factors, such as audit partner’s capabilities and experiences. During the 2015 audit inspection, the SEC found that complicated audit engagements of
3.49 (0.06) Non-Interest Income to Average Assets1) 2.24 2.18 0.06 2.33 (0.09) Non-Interest Income Ratio 40.62 40.19 0.43 41.27 (0.65) Cost to Income Ratio 40.32 39.44 0.88 41.54 (1.22) 1) Annualized
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A FFeeCCoorrppLL44..11hhiigg A Executive Summary Management Discussion and Analysis For the Quarter Ended September 30, 2017 The Thai economy maintained steady growth in the third quarter of 2017, buoyed largely by tourism and exports. Nonetheless, the economic recovery was not broad-based, as evidenced by sluggish private consumption. While certain businesses were still fragile, others remained mired in uncertainty in terms of new modes of competition, a broader market...
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A brWCorpL.1hig A Executive Summary Management Discussion and Analysis For the Quarter Ending March 31, 2019 In the first quarter of 2019, the Thai economy continued to sustain its growth. Overall, however, it was plagued by weak exports and tourism amid the global economic slowdown. Aside from these challenges, businesses had to contend with more complex competition, regulatory changes, and technological advancements which affected consumer behavior. KASIKORNBANK has e...
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A brWCorpL.1hig A Executive Summary Management Discussion and Analysis For the Quarter Ending June 30, 2019 The Thai economy faced increased headwinds in the second quarter of 2019. Exports, tourism and private investment – among major economic activities – were hampered by the worse-than-expected global economic slowdown. Meanwhile, consumers’ purchasing power weakened amid high household debt, whereas public investment and the government’s budget disbursement were aff...
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A brWCorpL.1hig A Executive Summary Management Discussion and Analysis For the Quarter Ended March 31, 2018 In the first quarter of 2018, Thai economic growth gained traction, buoyed by both domestic and international factors. However, the business sector faced rising challenges, namely various forms of competition, a borderless marketplace within the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and the advancing digital age amid the rapid pace of technological advancement, thus lea...
(หลงัหักค่ำปรับมูลค่ำ) 16 ค ำนวณโดยปรับยอดรำยกำรในงบก ำไรขำดทุนและก ำไรขำดทุนเบ็ดเสร็จอ่ืน และงบกระแสเงินสดส ำหรับงวดสำมเดือนส้ินสุดวนัท่ี 31 มีนำคม 2562 เป็นยอดเต็มปี (Annualized) บริษัทบริหารสินทรัพย์
ขำดทุนและก ำไรขำดทุนเบ็ดเสร็จอื่น และงบกระแสเงินสดส ำหรับงวดหกเดือนสิ้นสุดวันท่ี 30 มิถุนำยน 2563 เป็นยอดเต็มปี (Annualized) 20 4. ปัจจัยหรือเหตุการณ์ท่ีอาจมีผลกระทบต่อฐานะการเงินหรือการด าเนินงานอย่าง
ปรับยอดรำยกำรในงบก ำไรขำดทุนและก ำไรขำดทุนเบ็ดเสร็จอ่ืน และงบกระแสเงินสดส ำหรับงวดสำมเดือนส้ินสุดวนัท่ี 31 มีนำคม 2562 เป็นยอดเต็มปี (Annualized) บริษัทบริหารสินทรัพย์ กรุงเทพพาณิชย์ จ ากดั (มหาชน) 5
) Non-Interest Income to Average Assets1) 2.16 2.05 0.11 2.24 (0.08) Non-Interest Income Ratio 39.99 38.94 1.05 40.62 (0.63) Cost to Income Ratio 41.07 41.20 (0.13) 40.32 0.75 1) Annualized (Unit: Percent