Company had financial flexibility with strong balance sheet supported by low net interest bearing debt to equity of 0.09 time. Unit: THB mn 31-Mar-18 % to total assets 31-Dec-17 % to total assets Chg Cash
DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR Q2/2018 2 2. ECONOMIC SITUATION Thai economy for the 5 months ended May 2018 continually expanded, supported by
market was strong as the sugar season was prolonged and infrastructure projects supported our key markets of steel and construction. The Thai economy continues to outperform expectations and while we
100%. These measures have altogether supported the encouraging performance recorded this quarter, with recorded revenue at THB 473mn, or a solid increase of 80.6% YoY and net profit of THB 68mn, which
. Spending was boosted by the government’s stimulus measures and the export sector was supported by brightening global economic prospects. However, any potential Thai economic recovery over the rest of the
expected to be growth at an average rate of 8.5-10.0% per year. This growth will be supported by: (i) government policy, focused on promoting investment in the sector through the offering of special
cashless society on mobile payments and a promotion during New Year, our credit card shopping showed recovery at 6% q-q supported by domestic consumption in supermarket and online shopping. Moreover our
cashless society on mobile payments and a promotion during New Year, our credit card shopping showed recovery at 6% q-q supported by domestic consumption in supermarket and online shopping. Moreover our
currencies, utility tokens, security/asset-backed tokens เป็นตน้ 6 กองทุนรวมภายใต้โครงการ HK-TH MRF สามารถลงทุนทางอ้อมใน virtual assets ผ่านการลงทุนในกองทุนอ่ืนได้ รวมกันไม่เกินร้อยละ 20 ของมูลค่าทรัพยสิ์น
Bt33,903mn, growing 1.8% YoY and 1.1% QoQ from a recovery in mobile and broadband businesses executed with the focus on profitability through quality and value offerings backed by superior network quality