adjustment cost of main project which was Fourth Transmission Pipeline Midline Compressor Station project (PTT MCS). And that transaction was greater than revenue recognition for these period. Q3 2018, the
insurance premiums from the adjustment of market strategies. In this regard, the total revenue for the nine-month of 2019 was 8,072.0 million Baht, a decrease of 1,219.8 million Baht or 13.1%, mainly due to
decline in the price of copper used in the production process helped reduce the cost of goods sold, despite an annual adjustment in selling price. Administrative and Selling Expenses Selling, general, and
147.41 Million Baht subsidiaries was effected by COVID-19 virus, resulting in decline in delivery Unrealized gain from measurement of financial asset of 247.03 Million Baht as adjustment on fair value of
increased due to the Company’s price adjustment with respect to OEM sales during the 1st quarter of 2020 and the Bath depreciation during the 2nd quarter of 2020. For the first 6-month period of 2019 – 2020
and changes and adjustment of the construction design, work suspension or delay due to change in construction design. Many projects are gradually completed. Concurrently, many new projects have been
salary adjustment plan. The decrease of the depreciation of building by THB 1.58 million from the expanding of useful life of building. In the first quarter of 2020, the increase of net impairment losses
statement for the three-month period ended 30th September 2020 Item Three months ended 30th September 2020 Three months ended 30th September 2019 Adjustment THB million % THB million % THB million % Sales of
once a year at least. Moreover, for the determination, modification or alteration a value of parameter, it shall notify to concerned person each time. [M] · For the using other tools to inspect the
asset such as customer’s information or information of investment units incorrect because of computer system assessment or modification by the unauthorised person”etc. (Translation) -4- Segregation of