an increase in total revenue of 81% YoY. These were mainly from a (one-time) recognition of an upfront 50-year lease payment of a certain office space at Singha Complex and higher contribution from
impact from TFRS 15 accounting standard, resulting in lower recognition of share of profit by THB 92.3 mm. However, this is merely accounting impact, not related to cashflow from operation. • Financial
1, 2020 of THB 5.1 million on equity following the recognition of lease liabilities of THB 350.4 million and additional right-of-use assets of THB 345.3 million. IAS 17 IFRS 16 Operating Leases All
Million Baht as 134.33 Million Baht increased when compared to December 31, 2016 of 2,443.95 Million Baht due to changes in proportion in subsidiaries. Please be informed for acknowledgement, Sincerely
from business operation. Please be informed for acknowledgement, Sincerely yours, Mr. Wutichai Leenabanchong Chairman
December 31, 2016 of 2,443.95 Million Baht due to changes in proportion in subsidiaries and decline in loss from business operation. Please be informed for acknowledgement, Sincerely yours, Mr. Wutichai
which satisfies the need of the users, and it shall communicate the development or change to all concerned persons for acknowledgement in order to be able to operate it correctly. Clause 8. The securities
, and complete data processing which satisfies the need of the users, and it shall communicate the development or change to all concerned persons for acknowledgement in order to be able to operate it
solution first. (2) finalize the number of solvable and unsolvable complaints by category and inform the SEC Office for acknowledgement, on a quarterly basis, within fifteen days from the end of a quarter
first. (2) finalize the number of solvable and unsolvable complaints by category and inform the SEC Office for acknowledgement, on a quarterly basis, within fifteen days from the end of a quarter. (3