, merger or consolidation of the issuer or any of its significant subsidiaries. Examples of other material events may include: acquisitions or disposals of material assets, other than in the ordinary course
development, study into value-accretive merger and acquisition (M&A) opportunities, as well as apply efficient cost management to its businesses. Furthermore, CPN is currently considering asset transfers into
the total 108 branches, decreased by 20 branches when compared to those of the year 2018 due to the bank’s plan for branches’ merger to align with the digital society. Information Security Management
malls, enhancement of existing malls, new mixed-use development projects, such as residential development, study into value-accretive merger and acquisition (M&A) opportunities, as well as apply efficient
ถูกก าหนดโดยใชว้ธีิการคิดลดเงินปันผล (Dividend Discounted Model: DDM) เป็นเกณฑ ์โดยพิจารณาประกอบองคป์ระกอบอ่ืนๆ ดว้ย ไดแ้ก่ ธุรกรรมการควบรวมและการซ้ือ กิจการ (Merger and Acquisition: M&A) ของธนาคารต่าง
branches when compared to those of the year 2018 due to the bank’s plan for branches’ merger to align with the digital society. Information Security Management System Standards’ Certificate (ISO/IEC 27001
and subsidiary companies of the Group. The change is a result of the merger in 2012 which enabled KKP to expand its service capabilities to meet the needs of more customers with the objective of
the total 111 branches, decreased by 17 branches when compared to those of the year 2018 due to the bank’s plan for branches’ merger to align with the digital society. Information Security Management
and 11.2B of the UT Code Withdrawal of authorisation 11.4 of the UT Code Merger or termination 11.5 of the UT Code Reporting requirements 11.6 (notification of availability of financial reports), 11.7
(Amalgamation) ระหว่างบรษิทั บบีพี ีโฮลดิง้ จ ากดั ซึง่เป็นบรษิทัย่อยของบรษิทั กบับรษิทั เคเอสแอล จไีอ จ ากดัซึง่เป็นบรษิทัย่อยของบรษิัท น ้าตาลขอนแก่น จ ากดั (มหาชน) เป็นบรษิทั บบีจีไีอ จ ากดั โดยจากการควบรวม