that Thai economy will grow faster than the same period last year, reflecting in a higher GDP. Export and tourism sector are the main factors that support Thai economy in the second quarter. In addition
attributed mainly by number of factors, namely 1.) Growth in Tourism sector from visa-on-arrival measure and Hong Kong disturbance which reflects an increasing in tourists 2.) Government spending for
second quarter of 2020. The strict lock down policy have been put in place for all countries around the world. All business sectors were impacted during this period, especially tourism sector, resulting
sectors. Tourism was heavily affected by airspace and border closures, while merchandise exports fell sharply as demand from major trading partners fell, impacting both manufacturing production and domestic
. This was considered an obstacle for distribution channels of the Company’s customers as they had to postpone their purchase orders of the Company’s products. Moreover, During the year, Thailand tourism
were 2.4% (y-o-y) and 1.7%(y-o-y) respectively with consequences to the growth of tourism industry of Thailand. During the passengers who travel through BKK and DMK were 79.3 million passengers
from 2.3% in the second quarter of 2019, mainly driven by expansion of private consumption, government spending and tourism sector. Meanwhile, exports sector continued to contract caused by uncertainty
particularly the tourism sector, Q1 outlook is optimistic for Golden Lime as the new dolime product gains traction and with the positive impact from the sugar season. The delayed 3.2 trillion baht budget is
in 2017 is expected to recover gradually from last year, supported by the government’s infrastructure investment, the recovery in both of export and tourism sectors. However, the Thai economy faces
the global market. Meanwhile, the demand for stainless steel started to increase as the country's economy began to grow steadily as the result of the export sector, private consumption, tourism sector