397.1mn in Q1/2019. GPM in this quarter also decreased to 11.7% from 28.6% in Q1/2019. The pressure on the GPM in this quarter was because the economic downturn which started since late 2019 had caused the
Vietnam, which demonstrated the strongest GDP growth in ASEAN with an estimated growth at 1.6%2 in 2020. On the domestic side, Thailand’s economic outlook remains uncertain due to pressure on both the
increase in the policy interest rate to cope with the pressure from the high inflation rate in the country, the Company was still able to effectively manage its financial costs. The Company recorded
pressure when the EQr has a reporting line to the engagement partner? 3 Has the firm established responses to address quality risks that set forth the criteria for eligibility of individuals who assist the
JMT, JAS Asset, J Fintech and associated company namely Singer Thailand. Moreover, the Company prepare for disruption of technology by set up J Ventures for development of technology for Group of
. เพิ่มความชัดเจนเกี่ยวกับเหตุฉุกเฉินที่อาจท าให้งานส าคัญหยุดชะงัก (Major operation disruption) แนวทางของผู้ก ากับดูแลอื่น มีการก าหนดตัวอย่างเหตุฉุกเฉินและแบ่งกลุ่มเพื่อความชัดเจน เป็นแนวทางให้ผู้ประกอบ
priority, as well as the continuity of business operations. The whole supply chain has been reviewed to ensure no disruption or supply shortage. Alternative sources for key materials were identified, the
disruption to the economy. Businesses and employment were affected by the lockdown measures while consumer purchasing power continued to decline due to the high level of household debt. However, the government
believes that disruption will occur in business in the near term. Shareholder Meeting (AGM Blockchain) and Digital Lending. JMART also has a number of digital projects to be launched this year, such as
ออกได้รับผลกระทบจากอปุสงค์ที่ชะลอตวัลง ของประเทศคูค้่าและการหยดุชะงกัของหว่งโซ่การผลติ (Supply Chain Disruption) ในขณะที่ภาคการท่องเที่ยวได้รับ ผลกระทบจากมาตรการจ ากัดการเดินทาง ส่งผลกระทบต่อจ านวนนัก