auditor to disclose the applicant’s information gained from performing its duty to the financial advisor; (26) a summary report concerning information and findings provided by 2 Amended by the Notification
in economy and the appreciation in Thai Baht affected directly to the Tourism and Hotel industry. However, the Company gained more revenue from a luxury hotel management business under the new
in economy and the appreciation in Thai Baht affected directly to the Tourism and Hotel industry. However, the Company gained more revenue from a luxury hotel management business under the new
appreciation in Thai Baht affected directly to the Tourism and Hotel industry. However, the Company gained more revenue from a luxury hotel management business under the new investment in Elite Havens in late
ในดิน เปน็ต้ิน เกณฑ์์การคัดกรองท่แข้็งแกร่ง (robust) และโปร่งใสิ เป็นสิิงท่จัำาเป็นต่ิอการสิร้างความสิอดคล้องและ ความนา่เชืีอถืึอสิำาหรับผูท่้ต้ิองการออกติราสิารหน่ หรือ ผูท่้ต้ิองการลงทนุในติราสิารหน่
from 3.3 percent in 2016 on the back of rising exports and a robust tourism sector, consistent with a stronger recovery in global demand. Headline inflation rose to 0.7 percent, following higher energy
2018 expanded continuously on the back of robust exports and tourism, which is supported by stronger global economic conditions. Exports and tourist arrivals rose by 9.9 percent and 15.4 percent, from
). Testing alignment to the technical screening criteria requires robust and granular data. A combination of third-party data providers together with in-house research can ease the process. The evaluator must
is expected to continue its robust growth underpinned by increasing 4G usage on video content and social media as well as overall improving economic environment. After two years of 4G launch, network
1,748mn and 273mn, respectively. Our robust operating and financial performance are a direct reflection of successful implementation of digitalisation strategy, strategic acquisitions as well as the