ที่ กม (Translation) No. Gor. Mor. 39/2561 October 17, 2018 Subject: Approve the purchase of ordinary shares of Shop Global (Thailand) Co., Ltd. from connected person To : Director and Manager The
in the United States in September. In addition, the new business of healthy food operated by Dusit Real Foods Co., Ltd. celebrated the first healthy food store at Virgin Active 101 in Thailand in
in the United States in September. In addition, the new business of healthy food operated by Dusit Real Foods Co., Ltd. celebrated the first healthy food store at Virgin Active 101 in Thailand in
Smartphone ทั้ง IOS และ Android รวมถึงได้มีกำรจัดกิจกรรม Advice IT Expo จึงท ำให้ยอดขำยเพิ่มขึ้น รำยได้จำกกำรขำยและให้บริกำรของสำขำเดิม (Same Store Sales Growth) สูงขึ้น 10.73 % เมื่อเทียบกับ ช่วงเดียวกันของปี
Real Foods store in Bangkok is scheduled to open at Virgin Active Fitness Club Whizdom 101 in early 4Q19. • Mixed-use project: - In early April, Vimarn Suriya Co., Ltd., a subsidiary company unveiled
Real Foods store in Bangkok is scheduled to open at Virgin Active Fitness Club Whizdom 101 in early 4Q19. • Mixed-use project: - In early April, Vimarn Suriya Co., Ltd., a subsidiary company unveiled
นมหวาน ซ่ึงเปนผลมาจากการเพิ่ม สาขาใหมจํานวน 8 สาขาจากไตรมาสที่ 2 ป 2561 และการเพ่ิมขึน้ของการเติบโตของยอดขายของสาขาเดิม (same store sales growth) คําอธิบายและการวิเคราะหของฝายจัดการ (MD&A) Q2/2562
also resulted in a cannibalization effect. Consequently, same store sales growth for HomePro did not meet target. However, in response to the above effects, the Company has organized various activities
also resulted in a cannibalization effect. Consequently, same store sales growth for HomePro did not meet target. However, in response to the above effects, the Company has organized various activities
2Q17 was mainly driven by larger rental areas in the new store and gain on sale of current investment to expand business purpose. The ratio of other income in 2Q17 increased to 4.84% compared with 3.10