: Founded in 1869, in New York, the Goldman Sachs Group Inc. provides Global Investment Banking Services, for instance, Financial Consultant, Investment management, and Corporate Instruments, Financial
relev ors and the g each asset in pany shall th sset, regardle reholders me advisor to pro as well as to ment in the Bang Ba-Trad ea of 28 rai, Road, Km. 5, uare wah; ai Ya Subdis g three parce orey
of the total votes cast by the shareholders attending the meeting and eligible to vote, without counting the votes cast by the interested shareholders; (3) To appoint an independent financial advisor
1,699,998 shares in the amount of 348,567,548 Baht (average 205.04 Baht per share). The appraisal price of 347,490,000 Baht is the average price of the fair value evaluated by the financial advisor (who is
(ข) บุคลากรท่ีท าหนา้ท่ีส่งค าสั่งซ้ือขายหลกัทรัพยไ์ปยงัหน่วยงานภายนอก (ค) Wealth advisor (นกัวางแผนการลงทุน) ทั้งน้ี บุคลากรตาม (1)(ก) – (ข) ส านกังานไดเ้ปิดใหมี้การรับฟังความคิดเห็นจากภาคธุรกิจ และ
, selling and service expenses increased THB 2.11 million or 5.92% from the same period of previous year due to the Company started hiring business consultant for export content to increase the ability of
Financial Advisor to comment on fairness of the acquisition value. The agreed price is based on the appraisal of Bangkok Property Appraisal Company Limited on 27 October 2017 and Chartered Valuation and
, infrastructure fund managers; 3. Controllers, auditors, investment analysts/investment consultants/investment planners who have been approved to act as investment consultant for companies, including employees or
Financial Advisory Company Limited as an Independent Financial Advisor to present and make the opinion on the investment in IGEN Engineering Co., Ltd. ("IGE"), which is considered as an Acquisition
Financial Advisory Company Limited as an Independent Financial Advisor to present and make the opinion on the investment in IGEN Engineering Co., Ltd. ("IGE"), which is considered as an Acquisition