, including digital businesses in order to emphasizing on the intensive content and brands in 4 core businesses through the integration and the development of platform from the Offline-Online-On ground. Thus
various country and convenience for commodities purchasing and services at the shop or online shopping. LH Financial Group Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis for the Second Quarter
various country and convenience for commodities purchasing and services at the shop or online shopping. LH Financial Group Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis for the Second Quarter
. The Company has been developing innovative systems and new technology to make passengers’ flying experience more convenient. By introducing 5 new channels for online payment during the quarter in order
. The Company has been developing innovative systems and new technology to make passengers’ flying experience more convenient. By introducing 5 new channels for online payment during the quarter in order
านักหักบัญชี หรือศูนย์รับฝากหลักทรัพย์” (2) ขอปรับปรุงวิธีการเปิดเผยบดุล งบก าไรขาดทุน และรายงานของผู้สอบบัญชีผ่านสื่อ online แทนการลงประกาศในหนังสือพิมพ์รายวันแห่ง ท้องถิ่น เนื่องจากเห็นว่าในปัจจุบัน
the card at any ATM machine aboard and UnionPay International member shop in various country and purchase commodities and services at the shops or via online shopping. 3.5 Mobile Payment Service is a
เพิม่เตมิ ค่ำธรรมเนียมออกรหสั online: 50 บำท/คร้ัง บลจ. ABC จ ำกดั - ท่ีอยู:่ - โทรศพัท:์ - Email: ข้อมูลอ่ืน ๆ หมำยเหต:ุ สมำชิกสำมำรถจ่ำยเงินสะสมเขำ้กองทุนไดม้ำกกวำ่อตัรำท่ีนำยจำ้งจ่ำยสมทบ ทั้งน้ี ไม่
passenger services to be efficient and accommodate airline passengers; payment channel, online check- in, mobile application, repayment service and reservation vis website and call center (July 2019) 9. The
shops or online shopping with convenience. LH Financial Group Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis for the year ended 31 December 2019 Page 7/22 3.5 Deposit, Withdrawal and Loan