No. ECF2 035/2562 23 September 2562 Subject Notification on the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting approving the purchase of the ordinary shares in KPN Academy Company Limited, the increase of registered capital, the issuance and the allocation of the newly-issued shares to specific persons (Private Placement) and the convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 (additional) To Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Information M...
No. ECF2 035/2562 23 September 2562 Subject Notification on the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting approving the purchase of the ordinary shares in KPN Academy Company Limited, the increase of registered capital, the issuance and the allocation of the newly-issued shares to specific persons (Private Placement) and the convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 (2nd additional) To Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Informati...
Company’s Audited Financial Statements ended December 31, 2017 as audited by the Company’s auditor) equals to 81.5 percent, considered as Type 1 transaction (50 % or more but less than 100%). Therefore, the
on the Company’s Audited Financial Statements ended December 31, 2017 as audited by the Company’s auditor) equals to 81.5 percent, considered as Type 1 transaction (50 % or more but less than 100
, considered as Type 1 transaction (50 % or more but less than 100%). Therefore, the Company is required to comply with the Acquisition and Disposal Rule as follows: (1) To immediately prepare report and
type) at 90 megawatts each, lasting 25 years and, PPA with IRPC Group for 60 megawatts of electricity and 170 to 300 ton per hour of steam, lasting 27 years. • GPSC holds 51% of total shares. • Total
performance of developed markets. 1 As of December 31, 2021. Unaudited. The Investment Advisor has voluntarily agreed to cap the Total Expense Ratio at 1.15%. Share Class B F V Type Institutional Accumulation
ามันปาล์มดิบชนิด A (Crude Palm Oil type A หรือ CPOA) ตั้งแต่เดือนตุลาคม 2561 และมีแผนที่จะขยายขอบเขตการด าเนินธุรกิจน้ ามันปาล์ม ดิบเพิ่มเติม ซ่ึงจะเป็นส่วนช่วยเพิ่มรายได้และผลประกอบการที่มั่นคงของบริ
(contract type) ชนิดของสินคาหรือตัวแปร (underlying assets/variables) เดือนที่สงมอบหรือ ชําระราคา (settlement month) เปนตน หรือช่ือยอของสัญญาซื้อขายลวงหนา (symbol) ที่ศูนยซ้ือขาย สัญญาซื้อขายลวงหน
entitled to use such trademark covering the protection period of each relevant trademarks. 3.2 Type and size of the transaction 3.2.1 Transaction of the acquisition of assets The entry into Acquisition of