(Financial Capability) ซึ=งการแปลงสภาพ กองทุนรวมและจัดตั ?งเป็นกองรีทในครั ?งนี ?จะทําให้บริษัทฯ มีแหล่งเงินทุนในการพัฒนาและลงทุนด้านสินทรัพย์ และ ปรับปรุงพฒันาสนิทรัพย์ที=มีอยูใ่ห้ดีขึ ?น ตลอดจนเพิ=มขีดความ
globally. 3 The launch of the ‘i-Lead’ and ‘Shadow’ internal leadership programs reiterated our attention towards en- hancing internal capability and strengthening our management bench strength. The Board of
globally. 3 The launch of the ‘i-Lead’ and ‘Shadow’ internal leadership programs reiterated our attention towards en- hancing internal capability and strengthening our management bench strength. The Board of
undertaking relating to the procedures for issuing depositary receipts and undertaking under the terms specified in the depositary agreement, and the personnel shall have adequate knowledge, capability, and
appraiser by using knowledge and capability equivalent to asset appraisal for widely used and by using all valuation methods stipulated in the standards of asset appraisal for at least 1 job within 2 years
process as fuel, coupled with the adoption of appropriate technology in management of by-products which is socially and environmentally friendly, efficient use of resources. The company will have capability
parallel with crude palm oil price. Gross profit from biodiesel business was higher from the growth in sales volume, as well as the capability to procure raw material and manage inventory better than last
specific investors (Private Placement), the Company will choose specifically the investors from the capability to enhance company’s financial strength and the synergy creation from being an business partner
the capability to enhance company’s financial strength and the synergy creation from being an business partner. Two investors are strategic investor and also have extensive investment experience in
the capability to enhance company’s financial strength and the synergy creation from being an business partner. Two investors are strategic investor and also have extensive investment experience in