efficiently supervise and examine the operation of such branch office in order to facilitate business undertaking and management of the organization of securities company to be more flexible and capable of
the first half of 2019 amounts to Baht 578.9 Million, Increased by 12.4 Million Baht or 2.2% compared to the previous year. Revenues from Sale of Goods and Rendering of Services Flexible Packaging Unit
business. It needs to be more flexible in order to create opportunities and quickly adapt itself to compete in technology field. Moreover, it would like to build an image of being a general technology start
business. It needs to be more flexible in order to create opportunities and quickly adapt itself to compete in technology field. Moreover, it would like to build an image of being a general technology start
ละ 19.4 สาเหตุหลักมาจาก ก าไรขั้นต้นในส่วนของแบบพิมพ์ธุรกิจพิเศษท่ีมีมูลค่าสูง (High-Valued Document) และกลุ่มบรร จุภัณฑ์ช นิดอ่อน (Flexible Packaging) ลดลง หน่วย : ล้านบาท เปลีย่นแปลง Q1’63 Q1’62
์Flexible Packaging ทีเ่พิม่ขึน้จากปีก่อน รายไดอ้ื่นไตรมาส 2 ปี 2563 มรีายได ้ 1.03 ลา้นบาท เปรยีบเทยีบกบัไตรมาสเดยีวกนัปี 2562 มจี านวน 0.66 ลา้นบาท เพิม่ขึน้ 0.37 ลา้นบาท ซึง่ไม่ไดม้กีารเปลีย่นแปลงอย่างมนี
private construction work is less competitive and more flexible in negotiations. As a result, the company’s group has an average gross profit margin higher than that of the public sector. Administrative
Sales revenue for 9 months of 2019 amounts to Baht 867.5 Million, Increased by 16.0 Million Baht or 1.9% compared to the previous year. 3 Revenues from Sale of Goods and Rendering of Services Flexible
promote the national economic capability; (3) The capital market’s capability is enhanced toward sustainability;(4) The capital market has an ecosystem that is suitable, flexible, and responsive in order to
the supply and demand of both domestic and foreign. The global and Thai economy are slowdown. The consumers have low purchasing power. Many automotive infrastructures stop their production, which leads