Discussion & Analysis Q3/2021 Operating Highlights in Q3/2021 Q3/20 Q3/21 Change +/(-) 9M/20 9M/21 Change +/(-) (THB million) %YoY %YoY Operating Revenue 198 115 (42%) 561 431 (23%) Gross Profit 124 60 (52
Discussion & Analysis Q4/2021 Operating Highlights in Q4/2021 Q4/20 Q4/21 Change +/(-) 2020 2021 Change +/(-) (THB million) %YoY %YoY Operating Revenue 207 188 (9%) 768 620 (19%) Gross Profit 127 112 (12%) 468
Discussion & Analysis Q2/2022 Operating Highlights in Q4/2021 Q2/21 Q2/22 Change +/(-) 1H/21 1H/22 Change +/(-) (THB million) %YoY %YoY Operating Revenue 137 230 68% 317 428 35% Gross Profit 77 147 91% 183 267
facilitate the government officers who are in duty to handle COVID-19 pandemic. During the temporarily suspension, the Company need to adjust compensation scheme to the employees to enable the Company to
than the book values, HTX must adjust its financial statements accordingly and submit the revised financial statements to the SEC by January 13, 2005. HTX has recently requested the SEC for the
. In the case where the Office requests the management company to explain or to provide additional documents within a specified period, if the management company does not comply nor proceed within the
the management company does not comply nor proceed within the prescribed period, the Office shall deem that the management company no longer intends to make a request for permission under clause 4
mutual fund in a report or document sent to unitholders at least once a year and shall publish the same information on its website. In case of any change on such information, the management company shall
property fund managers of each mutual fund in a report or document sent to unitholders at least once a year and shall publish the same information on its website. In case of any change on such information
property fund managers of each mutual fund in a report or document sent to unitholders at least once a year and shall publish the same information on its website. In case of any change on such information