Sithi-Amnuai along with executives and representatives from 38 securities firms, held a joint meeting to discuss and exchange views on guidelines for building trust and confidence in the Thai capital
LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 15 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 01/03/2022 07:39 Notification of the resolutions of the Board of Directors' meeting regarding the entering into the connected
Asset of the Company from the dispute resolution by the compromise additional from the resolution of Board of Director Meeting No.5/2022 (revised) 24/08/2022 13:02 Notification on Information Memorandum
1 24 August 2020 Subject : Notification on Resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No.8/2020, Appointment of Directors in Replacement of Those who will Retire by Rotation, and Addition of
Partnership As Hidden Price in Feasibility Study Review and adjust price to ensure meeting GHG reduction target Apply Carbon Price in Investment Decision Process per ton CO2e Clean & Green Strategic Direction
include the following procedures: (1) gathering of evidence considered necessary for fact proving; (2) admission of evidence, explanation or opinion of the SEC Office, an alleged person or a witness or
accordance with the approved mutual fund project and the commitment made with the unitholders. SEC Act S.125(1) Settlement Committee Meeting No. 5/2020 Settlement Committee Order No. 25/2020 Dated 02/09
sufficient and effective systems of operation, control and risk management. SEC Act S.113 Settlement Committee Meeting No. 5/2020 Settlement Committee Order No. 26/2020 Dated 02/09/2020
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2017 To: The President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand World Corporation Public Company Limited ( “the Company”) would like to inform the resolutions of the
BROADCASTING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 26 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 11/03/2022 13:04 Resolutions of the BOD's Meeting 2/22 :re the sale of NBC Next Vision Co., Ltd.'s shares