business and the growth of associates company, Singer Thailand. This has an outstanding performance growth. In addition, the company can plan operations, reduce operating costs to get through the range of
การ อนุญาตให้ออกและเสนอขายหุ้นกูท่ี้มีอนุพนัธ์แฝง แบบ 69-SP (ส่วนท่ี 1 : แบบ 69-SP-1) สามารถเลือกยืน่แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มูล โดยระบุขอ้มูลดงัต่อไปน้ี เป็นช่วง (range) ขอ้มูลตวัเลขสูงสุด (maximum) หรือ ขอ้
(%) Tolerance Range for Rebalancing (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit พันธบัตรรัฐบำล 35 -10 ไม่มี ตรำสำรหนี้ 35 -10 +5 ตรำสำรทุน 18 -10 +5 หุ้นต่ำงประเทศ (โดยไม่ป้องกันควำมเสี่ยง) 10 -10 +5 อสังหำริมทรัพย์ต่ำงประเทศ
% 110% 120% Pe rc en ta ge o f T ot al D is tr ib ut io n Range of Replacement Rates (Max - Min) obtain from strategically timing the start of Social Security benefits (e.g., delaying the initial claiming
Thailand’s target range of 1-4 percent. At the same time, core inflation was at 0.61 percent, a slight decrease from 0.66 percent in the same period last year, reflecting a gradual recovery in domestic
higher margins with production remaining steady Strong improvement in the North American business with Core EBITDA per ton of $145 vs $121 in 1Q LTM 2017 and the EMEA business with 1Q 2018 LTM Core
) Steady growth in private consumption from stimulus packages and recovering agricultural product prices from production expansion and 4) Other supporting factors, such as government spending and other
by rising of its output while demand of crude palm kernel oil for edible oils and oleo chemicals was not growing that much. Natural fatty alcohols in 2Q/2019 has shown steady demand compared to 2Q/2018
stimulate government and state-owned enterprises’ spending. Overall, the Thai economy is on course for a steady year of growth, according to the Bank of Thailand, with its GDP growth in 2018 revised up to 4.4
us to continue to sell at all times and create a steady stream of operating cash flows. 1Q 2020 Summary Financials Table 1: Core Financials of Consolidated Business $million (except where stated