% Considering revenue from program rights based on type of platform given to the customer, the rights to distribute content via broadcast on cable satellite TV stations (Cabsat) was turnaround because the
million, which increased by 14% compared to the same period of last year. Mainly from increased advertising revenue from TV business since the Group has reformed the broadcasting program and modified the
considered to reverse the impairment loss of Digital TV license in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018 amounting to Baht 643.66 https://market.sec.or.th/public/idisc
น • วิธีการใชง้าน Application ทางรฐั ลิงก์ • วิธีการลงทะเบียน https://market.sec.or.th/Documents/ca/Documents/link.pdf 18068594.pdf the TV sector and traditional media have been in decline and is
printing media, organizing related activities, television media business in its expertise, i.e. Nation TV (Channel 22), and producing program contents, including digital businesses in order to emphasizing on
nreilirLuldsunnrlvrfvll'tn1?nn1nfrllfiG#vr rfiuvria aanfiuvrnfrfi ,iT ffn rfi,rfi.:n{ruqnfi.ruil.ruuru1fiilrn6l 6{r?suurrfioT:Jrnvrru munmnmurhrfia av o i. .llrfvr lau ilorrrrfr,irrYn (ruurru)/\ Il''l|tv" (urfl fr iun i rtr{fr
(6.46) (57.73) 3. Revenue from TV content business 11.03 10.66 0.37 3.47 4. Revenue from post production business - 3.74 (3.74) (100.00) 5. Revenue from product sales 0.83 1.40 (0.57) (40.71) Total 101.33
for a return of such license is considered a request to cancel the license. A subsidiary has submitted for the returning of it Digital TV license to NBTC, and obtained letter of the approval of the
. A subsidiary has submitted for the returning of it Digital TV license to NBTC, and obtained letter of the approval of the returning on 27 June 2019 and the notice of the date of service termination on
Concert in Thailand (Sticky Fingers Live in Bangkok), the Company has the plan to enter into the Memorandum of Understanding with Very TV Company Limited (“Very TV”) to sourcing artists to perform concerts