Mr. Theerawat Saekuai . for more details please see SEC news No. SEC Act (before the fifth amendment) Section 243 in conjunction with Section 83 of the Penal Code Civil Action Dated 00/00/0000
Mr. Theerawat Saekuai . for more details please see SEC news No. SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 244/3 in conjunction with Section 83 of the Penal Code Civil Action Dated 00/00/0000
Mr. Wasan Kiewkao Mr. Wasan Kiewkao conspired with other alleged persons to operate derivatives broker businesses in Thailand without proper licenses granted violating Section 16 of the Derivatives
), Section 90 and subject to sanctions under Section 289, and the Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 (2003), Section 16 and subject to sanctions under Section 125 respectively. This case is in the process of inquiry by
decrease due to drop in sales revenue as provided in Section 1 above. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Mr. Hamidi Bin Maulod Chief Executive Officer
drop in sales revenue as provided in Section 1 above. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Mr. Hamidi Bin Maulod Chief Executive Officer
276.92 Million Baht to 333.25 Million Baht or 11.46% due to increasing revenues from contract manufacturing (OEM), construction services and revenues from industrial coatings section. 3. The increasing of
decrease is provided in Section 2.2 (a), (b) and (c) above. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Mr. Hamidi Bin Maulod Chief Executive Officer
considered a takeover of securities for business takeovers (Section 247). Remark: (*)However, when including the shares held by the persons under Section 258 of the Company which are Mr. Pongchai Amatanon, Mrs
billion baht, and to authorize NUSA’s Executive Board to consider the sale conditions for each asset. On 28 December 2023, NUSA informed the SEC that the company had not yet entered into any contracts to