with respect to the management of any mutual fund that offers investment units for sale in the country and abroad, the SEC Office shall have the power to grant a waiver of compliance with such rules to
grant an approval for a person to act as a mutual fund manager because such person possesses any prohibited characteristics under Clause 4(9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17) or (18), after
grant an approval for a person to act as a mutual fund manager because such person possesses any prohibited characteristics under Clause 4(9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17) or (18), after
grant an approval for a person to act as a mutual fund manager because such person possesses any prohibited characteristics under Clause 4(9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17) or (18), after
operation within the period of time specified by the Office and such registration shall be deemed valid until the Office orders otherwise. In cases where the Office declines to grant a renewal to any
person to revise its operation within the period of time specified by the Office and such registration shall be deemed valid until the Office orders otherwise. In cases where the Office declines to grant a
person to revise its operation within the period of time specified by the Office and such registration shall be deemed valid until the Office orders otherwise. In cases where the Office declines to grant a
grant of approval for the establishment and management of the mutual fund under paragraph one hereof, the Office, upon the approval from the SEC, shall have the authority to set out rules, conditions and
of the Office. In the consideration and grant of approval for the establishment and management of the mutual fund under paragraph one hereof, the Office, upon the approval from the SEC, shall have the
grant of approval for the establishment and management of the mutual fund under paragraph one hereof, the Office, upon the approval from the SEC, shall have the authority to set out rules, conditions and