management service to other companies so as to generate recurring income for the organization. All aspects of the business operation are revised, enabling the Company to grow in a sustainable manner and in
of sustainable development. The gross income of the Company and subsidiary companies in Q2/2017 is 2,038.31 million THB, decreasing 3,124.52 million THB from Q2/2016 or 60.52%. Around 90% of the main
sustainable growth. The Company believes that the residential condominium sector in the real estate business is currently facing slowdown. The Company and subsidiary companies thus establish a strategy to
, social and environment responsibility and sustainable growth. The Company believes that the residential condominium sector of the real estate business is recently facing a slowdown as a result of domestic
to generate additional income. 2018 is the Year of Change as all aspects of the operation are modified in order for the Company to achieve sustainable growth under sufficiency economy principles. The
as welding wire for galvanized steel and galvanized paint. The aim is to build strong growth and sustainable returns by practicing good governance along with developing the society, community, and
described in the ICGN Global Governance Principles. However, it should not be considered in isolation. By design it is important that all disclosure integrates consideration of financial and non-financial
the six short-to-medium term focus areas identified in the Roadmap for ASEAN Sustainable Capital Markets (“Roadmap”). The meeting also accepted the provision of technical assistance from the Asian
circular tiles/bricks achievements recognitionsawards sustainability longlisted sustainable design (building product) 2023 winner ‘Product Design of the Year 2023 Sheppard Robson ‘Green Week’, in London
proactive teamwork to further advance joint initiatives in various areas such as promotion of listed companies’ adoption of Sustainable Development Goals. The meeting took place at the SEC Building on 5