Public Company Limited (“GFPT” or “ the Company” ) and its subsidiaries ( collectively, “ GFPT Group” ) for the year ended December 31, 2018 as well as included any significant transactions occurred during
Public Company Limited (“GFPT” or “ the Company” ) and its subsidiaries ( collectively, “ GFPT Group” ) for the year ended December 31, 2019 as well as included any significant transactions occurred during
efficiency of inventory management. Besides, the Company has built up online channel to response the customer demand during the Covid- 19 pandemic. Gross profit Gross profit for Q1/ 2021 was Baht 134. 81
. They divided responsibilities for placing trading orders of FVC stocks, while coordinating and supporting one another consistently. This resulted in irregularity of the FVC share prices and trading
829.9 million and other income at Baht 7.8 million. The increase of sales and service revenue was at Baht 49.8 million when comparing with last year increased at 6.4 percent while increase of other income
. Marketing expenses declined significantly by -12%YoY from lower activities during lockdown, while admin and other expenses dropped -5.5%YoY from shop rental saving during lock down and one-time legal
amounting to 33.07 Million Baht, accounting for 16.91% as the average selling price decreased 0.78%, while volume sold decreased 16.20% from the same period of last year. However, the Company has expanded
clarifies the performance as follows: During the second quarter of 2020, the Company had the total revenue and share of profit and net profit of THB 1,966.7 mm and THB 542.1 mm, respectively. If excluding FX
farm and non-farm income. Public spending also increased from spending on goods and services and compensation expenses while capital spending declined from the high base effect of last year from the
expand largely from domestic demands contributed both from private consumption and private investment. Private consumption grew notably in durable goods segment (especially in vehicles) while growth in non