million, decreased in amount of THB 118.54 million or 34. 71% down from THB 341. 50 million in 2Q2019. The EPS of 2Q2020 was THB 0. 18 per share. The decrease in consolidated net profit was primarily driven
THB 2.6B. • Strong performance for Combined PET, given COVID disruption, driven by strong PET demand, higher Integrated PET spread, lower costs, improved PIA margin. • Integrated Oxides & Derivatives
decreased 84.62 million baht, or equivalent to 6.22% from the same period of previous year due to the economy that was slow down. Expenditure and government investment were insufficient for driven economy
revenue from sales of goods and rendering of services for full year 2019 was recorded at Baht 2,709 million, lower Baht 214 million or 7% from a year earlier, driven by slower-than-expected of Thailand
Export rose 7% Y-O-Y driven by a favorable sales growth in Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysian and Indonesian markets. Profit for the period L&E’s consolidated profit for the period of Q1/2019 was posted at
million baht or equivalent to 6.97% compared to the same period last year due to the situation of Thai economy that was slowed down. Spending and government investment were slightly driven the economy
8.8 million, down 44% Y-O-Y or Baht 6.9 million from a year earlier, driven by: - Gross Profit including Other Income down 8% Y-O-Y or Baht 17.3 million due primarily to the impact of Covid -19 pandemic
million from a year earlier, driven by: - Gross Profit including Other Income down Baht 24.9 million Y-O-Y due primarily to the lower sales, caused by the impact of Covid -19 pandemic as mentioned above and
driven ESG agenda in Thailand Speakers Dr. Srikanya Yathip, Secretary-General of the Government Pension Fund Dr. Kobsak Pootrakool, Chairman of Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizations 10:45 – 11:05
it is possible to build portfolios that can better hedge the risks faced by a retiree. While these “liability-driven” portfolios may appear to be less efficient asset allocations when viewed from an