First Quarter of 2020 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY WHAUP finished our First Quarter of 2020 with a Normalized Net Income of Baht 219.0 million, a 18.8% decrease from 1Q2019 while Net Profit of Baht 43.5 million
685.84 21.11 3.1% Cost of sales -194.96 -208.31 13.35 -6.4% -617.06 -601.34 -15.72 2.6% Gross profit 30.01 25.36 4.65 18.3% 89.89 84.50 5.39 6.4% Other income 1.45 1.26 0.19 15.2% 3.61 5.15 -1.54 -29.9
businesses since we focus on expanding customer base with business expertise • Overall gross profit margin increased from 9.8% to 11.3% amount Baht 45 million. 2019 2018 Change % Change Revenue 1,839 1,673 167
can be summarized as follows: 1) Profit & Loss Analysis : Q4 2023 (3 Months) (Unit : Million Baht unless otherwise stated) Q4 2023 Q4 2022 Change Amount % Change Total Revenues 7,226.4 7,878.0 -651.6
subsidiaries recorded net profit of 3,125 million baht while the same period last year the Company and its subsidiaries recorded net profit of 1,993 million baht, increase of 1,132 million baht or increase by
period last year. The company’s profit from continuing operations was THB 11,105 million, increased byTHB 3,571 million from the same period last year, and the profit margin for the year ended December 31
ended as of September 30, 2021, which can be summarized as follows: 1) Profit & Loss Analysis : Q3 2021 (3 Months) (Unit : Million Baht unless otherwise stated) Q3 2021 Q3 2020 Change Amount % Change
of THB 0. 024, comparing to a net profit of THB 1. 39 million or earnings per share of THB 0. 001 during the third quarter last year, a decrease of THB 27.53 million. Net profit for the first 9 months
Separated Financial Statement For the year period of (unit: million baht) Q2, 2017 Q2, 2016 YoY H1, 2017 H1, 2016 YoY Sales and Services 305.32 269.19 36.13 13.42% 562.15 461.00 101.15 21.94% Gross Profit
of the Company. For the six-month period Ended June 30, 2019, which was audited by the auditor with significant operational results as follows: 1. Net profit in the amount of 21.92 million baht