quarter of fiscal year 2023 ended as of September 30th, 2023, which can be summarized as follows: 1) Profit & Loss Analysis : Q3 2023 (3 Months) (Unit : Million Baht unless otherwise stated) Q3 2023 Q3 2022
can be summarized as follows: 1) Profit & Loss Analysis : Q4 2023 (3 Months) (Unit : Million Baht unless otherwise stated) Q4 2023 Q4 2022 Change Amount % Change Total Revenues 7,226.4 7,878.0 -651.6
mm Unless otherwise stated 12 months ended Dec. 31 2018 2017 Total sales 871.09 723.96 Cost of Sales 288.97 244.33 Gross Profit 582.12 479.63 Gross Profit Margin (%) 66.83 66.25 For 12-month of 2018
regulations approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2010, held on 26th April 2010, stated that only in the year which the Company has sufficient profit, the Board of Directors will consider
regulations approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2010, held on 26th April 2010, stated that only in the year which the Company has sufficient profit, the Board of Directors will consider
requirements of the Stock Exchange of Thailand; and 2. The scope of duties and responsibilities of the audit committee as stated above meet all the requirements of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Signed
/2548 Re: Qualifications and Prohibited Characteristics of an Executive of a Derivatives Business Operator dated 13 September 2005 stated that an appointment or the consent to have any person to be or to
Prohibited Characteristics of an Executive of a Derivatives Business Operator dated 13 September 2005 stated that an appointment or the consent to have any person to be or to act as a director, manager or
. KorThor/Nor/Khor. 37/2548 Re: Qualifications and Prohibited Characteristics of an Executive of a Derivatives Business Operator dated 13 September 2005 stated that an appointment or the consent to have any
Unless otherwise stated 3 months ended Mar 31 2019 2018 Total sales 286.84 199.43 Cost of Sales 98.53 64.68 Gross Profit 188.31 134.75 Gross Profit Margin (%) 65.65 67.57 For the first Quarter ended 31