in the fourth quarter of 2001, attracting significant interest from both local and international investors. In addition, the Plan calls for the fostering of a robust and balanced investor base as well
, practitioners and experts on corporate governance in the region, as well as from OECD countries and relevant international institutions. Participants exchange experiences and push forward the reform agenda on
agencies or related regulatory agencies as well as complete any a However, the Company would enter into the above transactions only upon approval of the shareholders meeting and the matter in Clause 2 to 3
, determine, amend the details of conditions or process an FKRMM including the signing of the Agreement, memorandums or any documents and liaison with government agencies or related regulatory agencies as well
support of investment and private spending as well as bolstering opportunities for other economic sectors. Nonetheless, protectionism triggered by the US-China trade dispute dealt a blow to global economic
in personnel management and investment in the company very well as individual or / or institutional investors. according to the announcement of the related transaction, in the event that investors
refused derived fuel technology, and being a consultant for various engineering projects which will support the Company’s business expansion. Moreover, having a well- known business partner, as a major
innovative products and services (green bonds, loans, index- linked services, etc.) and serve the objective of developing a cohort of well-regarded monitoring, reporting, and verifying actors, thus enhancing
IE00BHNZKL13 Investment Manager and Promoter H2O Asset Management LLP 10 Old Burlington Street, Mayfair, London W1S 3AG, United Kingdom Administrator CACEIS Ireland Limited One Custom House Plaza, IFSC, Dublin 1
Sheet "EQ & Others Feature" Equity & Others Feature Header No. Field name Description Format Not null Possible value Remark 1 Company Code รหสับรษัิทจัดการในระบบ Control varchar(10) Y ชดุ Code ทีก่ าหนด (รหสับรษัิทจัดการในระบบ Control) 2 Report Code ชือ่รายงาน varchar(8) Y EQF = Equity & Others Feature 3 Report Period งวดของขอ้มลู varchar(8) Y YYYYMMDD โดย YYYY บันทกึปีใหเ้ป็นปี ค.ศ.และ DD เป็นวันสิน้เดอืนเทา่นัน้ Data No. Field name Description Format Possible value Remark 1 Issue code ชือ่หลัก...