securities and derivatives contract for the derivatives broker’s proprietary account may affect its financial condition. Therefore, it is deemed appropriate to issue this Notification to determine rules for
. Therefore, it is deemed appropriate to issue this Notification to determine rules for the operation of derivatives brokers. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorThor. 2/2551 Re
proprietary account may affect its financial condition. Therefore, it is deemed appropriate to issue this Notification to determine rules for the operation of derivatives brokers.
clearer determine the characteristics of transaction which the mutual fund is allowed to make with related person and to specify the rules for prevention of conflicts of interest between the property fund
clearer determine the characteristics of transaction which the mutual fund is allowed to make with related person and to specify the rules for prevention of conflicts of interest between the property fund
issuing this Notification is to clearer determine the characteristics of transaction which the mutual fund is allowed to make with related person and to specify the rules for prevention of conflicts of
providing service to a client, a derivatives broker shall proceed as follows: (1) determine the aggregate position limits for a client including the margin rate or value, based on fluctuation of derivatives
) determine the aggregate position limits for a client including the margin rate or value, based on fluctuation of derivatives prices as well as financial status, ability to deposit of margins and debt
) determine the aggregate position limits for a client including the margin rate or value, based on fluctuation of derivatives prices as well as financial status, ability to deposit of margins and debt
paid in cash. 4. Criteria used to determine the value of assets being acquired The consideration was arrived at after negotiation between the Company and the Sellers and took into account the fundamental