decreased due to the Group recognized impairment losses from digital terrestrial television licenses and relating assets amounting to Baht 1,493.77 million in the third quarter of 2017. Conclusion : The Group
25.83% due to ceased commercial operation of a subsidiary company and pay compensation to the employees Conclusion : The Group reported a profit for the year ended 31 December 2019, showed a loss of Baht
indirect subsidiaries. Conclusion: The Group reported operations for the first quarter ended 31 March 2020 represented an operating loss attributable to owners of the Company of Baht 18.29 million. Compared
administrative expenses were Baht 15.83 million, decreasing of 11.61% due to decreasing in exhibition costs. Conclusion : The Group reported a profit for the three-month period ended 31 March 2020, showed a loss
. In the 2nd quarter, other revenues was 0.81 million Baht. Foreign exchange gain was 3.74 million Baht. 5. In conclusion, for the 2nd quarter of year 2020, the company had net loss of 37.59 million Baht
. • Selling and administrative expenses increased 0.97% Conclusion : The Group reported a profit for the nine-month period ended 30 September 2019, showed a loss of Baht 62.08 million. Compared to the same
unable to find sufficient evidence to justify the management's decision to execute transactions for investment in two associate companies. In addition, the auditor could not reach a conclusion for the
. SEC is prepared to consider easing rules to make it more convenient and not too cumbersome. We have reached a conclusion and shared a common understanding. SEC is ready to receive applications for
Baht. In conclusion, The Court sentenced the accused to pay a total fine of 110,200 Baht. Since the accused pled guilty, the Court reduced the fines by half, resulting in a fine of 55,100 Baht
Operator หรือ ตัวแทน (“local representative”) ซ่ึงเป็น ผู้ยื่นค าขอตรวจสอบลักษณะหนว่ยของ ASEAN CIS ในประเทศไทย (“ผู้ยื่นค าขอฯ”) จะต้องระบจุ านวนเงนิทีจ่ะ เสนอขายในประเทศไทยเป็นสกลุเงินบาท และระบุช่ือ ผู้รับ