หน้าที่อ้างอิงหุ้นในตลาดหลักทรัพย์แห่งประเทศไทยแบบรายใหญ่ (SSF Block Trade) 31/03/2564 ระบบงานในการเสนอขายตราสารหนี้ 31/12/2562 การกำกับดูแลการนำเทคโนโลยีมาให้บริการแก่ลูกค้า 31/10/2562 ระบบงานในการเสนอขาย
Society. The initiative also involves cooperation with Meta (Thailand), the service provider for Facebook and Instagram platforms, as well as LINE (Thailand), to swiftly block illicit channels on their
/17 Sales Revenue Net Profit Unit: Million Baht Premium Market (100% RTD Fruit Juice) 5,054MB 38% Medium Market (40- 99% RTD Fruit Juice) 1,254MB 9% Economy Market (20- 39% RTD Fruit Juice) 2,771MB 21
Net Profit Unit: Million Baht Premium Market (100% RTD Fruit Juice) 4,933MB 38% Medium Market (40- 99% RTD Fruit Juice) 1,259MB 10% Economy Market (20- 39% RTD Fruit Juice) 2,656MB 20% Super Economy
เพิม่ขึน้ประมาณ 10% YoY เนื่องจากมสีนิคา้ใหม่ๆ เพิม่ขึน้ รวมถงึการ เปลีย่นรูปแบบการขายของลกูคา้ CMG บางสว่น จาก ตา่งประเทศมาเป็นในประเทศ Premium Market (100% RTD Fruit Juice) 4,835MB 38% Medium Market (40-99
, COVID-19 crisis halted frozen shrimp frozen and freshwater fish exporting from the middle of March 2020 onward, which caused a decrease in sales by compared to the previous quarter. Dried fruit business
% increase compare to the same period of previous year due to an interest received from current investment and revenue from sale of Printed Block. 2. Cost of sale , Profit margin For Quarter1 of the year 2019
Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program (T-VER) and join a carbon credit program with • Mitr Phol Bio-Power (Danchang) Co., Ltd. (Block 2) • Community-level biogas program from pig farms in Tha Manao
excess palm oil in the system to solve the problem of falling palm prices by subsidized palm fruit price, increase the proportion of biodiesel blends to B10 in some parts of Thailand and B20 for fleet in
costs. The new concept for expansion is to group the stores of existing brands together, including the dessert café store “After You”, the coffee shop “Mikka Café, and the fruit shop “Luggaw” together