1 (-Translation-) Ref. No. IRS.025/2019 October 31, 2019 Subject Acquisition of Shares in Hello Bangkok LED Co, Ltd., which is an Assets Acquisition Transaction of the Company, Issuance and Offering of the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of the Company through a Private Placement which is a Connected Transaction, Capital Reduction, Capital Increase, Entering into the Right to Sell Advertising Media Agreement which is a Connected Transaction, Appointment of the Independent Financial Advisor and Call...
) -45% 10% Profit attributable to owners of parent 1,168 (1,546) 214 -82% 114% Basic earnings per share (Baht) 0.85 (1.12) 0.16 Note: 1/ EBITDA from Refinery Business of the Company, BCP Trading Pte. Ltd
of Baht 25 million and animal and plants of Baht 20.14 million from death of animal as significant. Liabilities As at June 30, 2018, the Company had total liabilities of Baht 751.66 million decreased
May 2018, Midas and Deelight Multimedia Company Limited filed a complaint against the Company and VGI Global Media Public Company Limited (“the parent company”) in connection with the transactions
growing revenue to THB 11,223 million with the Normalized Net Profit (NNP) of THB 1,158 million and NNP-owner of the parent of THB 682 million, growing 54.0% y-on-y. This remarkable performance came from 1
million Baht % Sales and service income 13,609 15,615 14.7% EBITDA 3,712 4,356 17.3% Net profit 1,667 1,848 10.8% Normalized net profit (NNP)* 1,322 1,479 11.8% NNP - Owner of the parent 775 874 12.8
(Owners of the parent) 17.12 16.93 0.18 1.07% 15.91 15.88 0.04 0.23% Profit for the period 9.00 16.96 -7.96 -46.92% Total Comprehensive Income for the Period 12.71 15.92 -3.22 -20.19% Profit ratio for the
-manufacturing business. - Cost of goods sold in business agriculture and dairy farm increased Baht 5.62 million, to be 60% because animal feed price increased. (3) Commission income amount Baht 4.64 million
goods sold in business agriculture and dairy farm increased Baht 2.57 million, to be 6% because animal feed price increased form the year 2016. (3) Commission income amount Baht 9.84 million, increased
increased in revenues from sales of medicated pet shampoo, pet foods products, livestock animal products, and revenues from sales of wellness & anti-aging products and aesthetic innovations products. 2. Cost