the modern trade channels, owning to the dynamics and competitive setting of energy drink market itself as well as relatively high bargaining power of reputable modern trade operators. These altogether
high bargaining power of reputable modern trade operators. These altogether caused us a longer than expected lead time to initiate, go through their approval process and list our products to the shelves
setting of energy drink market as well as the relatively high bargaining power of reputable modern trade operators that these altogether could cause us a longer than expected lead time to initiate, go
includes (a) the Issuer’s directors, (b) key executives, and (c) any other such equivalent person as directors, managers or persons holding the four highest positions on the management level below the
registration statement could include the exchange rates a. at the latest practicable date; b. the high and low exchange rates for each month during the previous six months; and c. for the two most recent
required to disclose the exchange rate between the financial reporting currency and Thai Baht. The registration statement could include the exchange rates a. at the latest practicable date; b. the high and
issue 6 corporate debentures in the amount of Baht 35,000 million to in stitutional investors and High Networth investors with an average interest rate of 2.80 baht per year by receiving a credit rating
-construction projects Only in case of high-value, time-consuming projects or assignments such as building or ship construction projects, disclose the values of the ongoing projects as of the most recent date
์(Olé Boost) และโอเลม่นิชิกูำรฟ์ร ี(Olé Mini Sugar Free) ส ำหรับปี 2562 อัตรำก ำไรขัน้ตน้ของบรษัิท เตบิโตอยูท่ี ่34.9% หรอืเพิม่ขึน้ 2.5% YoY ท ำใหก้ ำไรขัน้ตน้อยูท่ี ่8,946 ลำ้นบำท เพิม่ขึน้ 1,063 ลำ้
) และโอเลม่นิชิกูำรฟ์ร ี(Olé Mini Sugar Free) ท ำใหร้ำยไดจ้ำกกลุม่อืน่ๆ อยูท่ี ่706 ลำ้นบำท เพิม่ขึน้ 19 ลำ้นบำท หรอืเพิม่ขึน้ 2.8% YoY ในครึง่ปีแรกของปี 2562 อตัรำก ำไรขัน้ตน้ของบรษัิทสงูขึน้อยูท่ี ่35.0