voluntary tender offer for all Target’s shares. In addition, the Company will raise funding from the capital increase via rights offering in the amount of Baht 600.00 million to partially or fully repay the
voluntary tender offer for all Target’s shares. In addition, the Company will raise funding from the capital increase via rights offering in the amount of Baht 600.00 million to partially or fully repay the
tender offer for all Target’s shares. In addition, the Company will raise funding from the capital increase via rights offering in the amount of Baht 600.00 million to repay the debt related to the
digital media, which is changing how consumers use financial services. The changing nature of financial transactions make it more convenient and faster for consumers to make payments, transfer and raise
อกโดยไดรับ ความรวมมือจากบริษัทจดทะเบียนในตลาดหลักทรัพยตางประเทศ (“listed co.”) เพื่อมิให TCR เปนเครื่องมือ ในการระดมทนุ (raise fund) ของ listed co. นั้น รวมทั้งมใิหใช TCR เปนชองทางในการเลี่ยง
purposes. As a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, businesses had less cash-in-hand and were unable to raise funds from bond and capital markets as per the normal situation. The improvement in loan demand was
continuing determination in operating our business sustainably which is in line with our aim to raise sustainable and clean energy contribution to our portfolio. GPSC - Q2/2020 Management Discussion and
] raise fund after the foreign company has become a listed company shall conform to the following rules: (a) the foreign company which is not a CLMV company under (b) shall comply with the rules related to
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Thor. 32/2559 Re: Rules, Conditions, and Procedures for Operation of Securities Clearing Houses and Central Securities Depositories By virtue of Section 16/6, Section 223/3, and Paragraph 2 of Section 228 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), as amended by the Securi...
specified characteristics: (1) monitor to acknowledge possession of any unqualified characteristic of the directors, executives, and controlling persons as prescribed in Clause 23. In case there is a certain