reduction, the effort is also to increase proportion of MWh from renewables. ➢ Scope 3: having a strategy focusing on reducing the business travel and work from home policy, and empowering colleagues to take
ได้ รับรำงวัล Selling Travel Agents Choice Awards ประจ ำปี 2562 ประเภทสำยกำรบินระดับภูมิภำค ต่ำงประเทศ จำกนิตยสำร Selling Travel ซึ่งเป็นนิตยสำรชัน้น ำด้ำนธุรกิจท่องเที่ยว โดยพิธีมอบรำงวลัจัดขึน้ในงำน
the benefits from the location that is convenient to travel near food sources In order to attract qualified employees interested in working with the company in the long term until finally considering
office was chosen in the appropriate location by focusing on the benefits from the location that is convenient to travel near food sources In order to attract qualified employees interested in working with
ขนาดงบดุล Fed เร่ิมสงสัญญาณปรับตัวลดลง เงิน บาทปรับตัวออนคาชัดเจน หลังมีขาวเร่ืองความเส่ียง เชื้อCOVID-19 เขามาจากตางประเทศ ทําใหมาตรการ Travel / Business bubble มีแนวโนมเล่ือนออกไปอยางไมมีกํา
economy has been pressured from number of factors, namely 1.) Tourism sector was shrinking from travel restriction measures to control the pandemic resulting in lower both local and foreign tourists 2
to lock down the country to prevent the spread of COVID-19, travelling means has been disrupted, especially air travel, which expects to take longer to recover back to normal. Also, sales from Index
driver supporting the Thai economy. However, tourism sector remains highly contracted for the second consecutive quarter due to no entry of foreign tourists during international travel restrictions of
number of tourist arrivals through Suvarnabhumi Airport in August contracted by 99% YoY due to the implementation of Thailand’s inbound travel restrictions which started towards the end of March. As for
fluctuations in money market and capital market and has severely affected all sectors in the economy, especially tourism sector which acutely shrunk due to travel restrictions and lockdown measures. Export