and quarries. Therefore, it is not possible to inform and monitor the business operation of PRINDA and its subsidiaries and the Company cannot express any opinions in key issues to achieve the highest
significant value for listed companies (10) For said Board of Directors’ meeting, the director (s) with possible conflict of interests, and/or the director (s) serving as connected parties, did not attend nor
acquisition or disposition of assets having significant value for listed companies (9) For said Board of Directors’ meeting, the director (s) with possible conflict of interests, and/or the director (s) serving
for the acquisition or disposition of assets having significant value for listed companies. 10. Opinion by Board of Directors The Board of Directors (excluding the director with possible conflict of
said information to the SET, without having to seek further approval from the shareholders’ meeting. (8) For said Board of Directors’ meeting, the director (s) with possible conflict of interests, and/or
the acquisition or disposal of assets having significant value for listed companies (10) For said Board of Directors’ meeting, the director (s) with possible conflict of interests, and/or the director
of September 30, 2017, the maximum possible size of transaction relative to net tangible asset is equal to 1.8% (Maximum acquisition value Criteria). Considering the value of new asset acquisition in
quarter of 2017 to 8.51% in the second quarter of 2018 due to The company has an automated system that is never done before, so it is not possible to control the installation time as expected. - Other
to The company has an automated system that is never done before, so it is not possible to control the installation time as expected. - Other income decreased 88.46% from the same quarter of last year
Company planned to cease its operation in TL. The Company thus decided to dispose the ordinary shares in TL to mitigate possible impacts in the future if TL still continues its operation. The aforementioned