Call Center business in the amount of 7,280,576 baht or 35.01% from the lower business volume while income from Collection business improved 291,086 baht or 1.65% from the increase of Collection business
systems related to receiving and handling complaints, channels to communicate with customers as well as the number and ability of personnel for Bitkub to operate its business efficiently. DAB Act S.30
structure, operating system, and a sufficient number of personnel in accordance with the notification of the SEC. DAB Act S.30 Settlement Committee Meeting No. 4/2023 Settlement Committee Order No. 1/2023
including appropriate and sufficient personnel to be able to operate the securities brokerage business efficiently. The public prosecutor issued a prosecution order; however, attempt to arrest the juristic
sufficient personnel to be able to operate the investment advisory service business efficiently. The public prosecutor issued a prosecution order; however, attempt to arrest the juristic person representatives
Bangkok, December 24, 2013 - The SEC will not consider an application for approval as capital market personnel in case of {A}, a former securities investment consultant of Thanachart Securities Plc
future application for approval as personnel in capital market business shall not be accepted for five years. In any case, since Krungthai Zmico has already suspended her from the role of investment
Supervisory Board.* Therefore, SEC will not accept his future application for approval as personnel in the capital market business for a period of five years, effective from 25 February 2020. Investors are
order was in violation of the Notifications of Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning personnel in the capital market*, the SEC therefore suspended {A} from his duty as the approved securities
orders via mobile phone.Failure to keep a complete record of derivatives trading orders was in violation of the Notifications of Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning personnel in the capital market