had committed the several distinct and different offences, the Court inflicted the punishment prescribed for each offence as follows: (1) for being a director who acted to obtain falsified accounts or
their rights to protect their own interests. They should also make necessary inquiries to the bondholder representative to obtain complete information before making an informed decision at the
increase or decrease.? As probing for the origin(s) of the rumors to obtain conclusive results needs further investigation and the offence under Section 240 of the SEA is also an offence in the Additional
-making. Any entity wishing to operate a digital asset business must obtain an approval from the Minister of Finance and meet the SEC requirements regarding, for example, adequate sources of capital
which may affect the rights and interest of digital asset holders or investment decision-making. Any entity wishing to operate a digital asset business must obtain an approval from the Minister of
exchange, (2) digital asset broker, and (3) digital asset dealer ? all required to obtain an approval for operating respective businesses from the Minister of Finance and to maintain the standards specified
three months or a fine not exceeding five thousand baht or both.The development of the legal execution process requires cooperation between government agencies in order to obtain a wider and more
funds, and to provide more information related to the benefits that both employers and employees would obtain from effective investment management, resulting in a sufficient retirement funds for the
Futures Co., Ltd. The SEC's finding indicated that he had falsified documents by signing the documents on behalf of the client and made copy of client's identification card to obtain a gift voucher. When
contractor. IFA is of opinion that: While purchasing price of B37 per share is in line with fair value estimated by IFA at B37.70, IFA did not obtain information on other investors? investment cost and was