เพิ่ม ยอดขำยธุรกิจในส่วนงำนของธุรกิจประกันภัย โดยเฉพำะกำรขยำยกำรประกันภัยในกลุ่ม Non- motor กำรวิเครำะห์ด้ำนต้นทุนขำยและบริกำร และก ำไรก่อนค่ำใช้จ่ำย ในไตรมำส 1 ปี 2563 บริษัทมีต้นทุนขำยและบริกำรรวม
47.2 ในขณะที่ รายไดใ้นงวด 6 เดือน เท่ากบั 137.8 ลา้น บาท หรอืเตบิโตในอตัรารอ้ยละ 67.1 ซึง่เตบิโตขึน้จาก การท าการตลาดเชงิรุกมากขึน้ ขยายการรบัประกนัภยั ในกลุ่มทีไ่ม่ใชร่ถยนต ์(Non Motor) มากขึน้ ก าไร
for new K-Express Cash applicants who are KBank Payroll customers and employees with regular income. 12 In cooperation with Muang Thai Insurance Public Company Limited, we developed K-Motor, a tool for
associated with digital assets. The SEC recommends that anyone interested in trading digital assets study information and all associated risks carefully and make sure that they are capable of accepting the
market. This MOU will serve as a turning point in deepening the breadth and depth of Korea-Thailand relationship in the overall financial market. Building on this momentum, I will make sure that we
make sure that the clients would open a separate trading account from a traditional one and prepare service agreements and comply with the existing rules on work systems and professional duties.In light
, effective from 17 March 2020. Investors are strongly advised to thoroughly check and make sure that the evidence of all transaction records, both buy and sell sides, is genuinely issued by the banks or the
case, investors should check the records of transaction confirmation regularly to make sure that they are properly issued by the securities companies in charge. In case of suspicious incidents
after the issuer has become a listed company. SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said: “SEC always emphasizes the importance of information disclosure of listed companies to make sure that
advise investors to be cautious and use services of licensed securities companies only to make sure that they are protected by law under the SEC supervision. The list of licensed securities companies is