follows. Financial performance Statement of income Consolidated Financial Statements for Quarter 3 of 2019 Quarter 3 of 2018 Change (Unaudited but reviewed) (Unaudited but reviewed) Increase (Decrease) THB
share of THB 0. 13, comparing to a net profit of THB 24. 02 million or earnings per share of THB 0. 02 during the second quarter last year, an increase of THB 102.42 million or 426.44%. Details were as
Application ทางรฐัดว้ยตูบ้รกิารอเนกประสงคภ์าครฐั ลิงก์ • Location ตูบ้รกิารภาครฐัอเนกประสงค ์ลงิก์ • วิธีการลงทะเบียน DGA Digital ID ลิงก์ https://ทางรัฐ.com/?page_id=1192 https://ทางรัฐ.com/?page_id=1192#การลง
. Financial performance Statement of income Consolidated Financial Statements for Quarter 1 of 2019 Quarter 1 of 2018 Change (Unaudited but reviewed) (Unaudited but reviewed) Increase (Decrease) THB Million
aims to expand 5,000 Boonterm kiosks and focus on the importance of Boonterm kiosk’s location. As well as adding new interesting services to increase the frequency of using services. Furthermore, the
installation of the new machinery, therefore, it is necessary to choose the location of the factory that made this transaction at the same place as the machinery location. In Bangpoo Industrial Estate is a
21,120,000 (Twenty-One Million One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Baht Only), for utilization in construction of an additional office building and parking space to accommodate an increase in number of staff at
, an increase of 18.52 million baht from the same period last year, representing 70.99 percent The total revenue was divided into revenue from real estate development business of 43.76 million baht
follows. Financial performance Statement of income Consolidated Financial Statements for Quarter 3 of 2020 Quarter 3 of 2019 Change (Unaudited but reviewed) (Unaudited but reviewed) Increase (Decrease) THB
last year. The increase was due to larger service volume from the clients from the commercial and film production segments. The rental and location service just launched operation during the quarter and