% which improved by 2.5% from 2018 due to better control on the back-office expenses. Administrative Expenses (Unit: THB Million) Net Profit Margin Net Profit (Unit: THB Million) Percentage to Total Revenue
% which improved by 2.5% from 2018 due to better control on the back-office expenses. Administrative Expenses (Unit: THB Million) Net Profit Margin Net Profit (Unit: THB Million) Percentage to Total Revenue
% from Q2/2018 mainly due to an increase in salary expenses in the back office. • Admin expenses to total revenue in Q2/2019 was 13.0% which improved by 5.7% from Q2/2018 due to higher revenue growth while
the new packaging launch in Q3. o Domestic branded canned fruit sales, i.e. rambutan, longan, and lychee were back on track YoY and up c.50% QoQ after the new crop has started. Domestic Contract
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non-recurring income of 0.30mb or 1.5%. Adjusting the one-time recognition of 12.00mb non-recurring revenue in Q1 2018, the total revenue should have improved by 13.0% YoY. This 12.00mb revenue booked
improved to 4.93 THB/kg (up 5%yoy, up 3%qoq) from 4.70 THB/kg in 4Q16 and from 4.80 THB/kg in 3Q17 due to higher methanol price. as ME EPPO price formula was based on palm oil and methanol. Average Price
branch, Central Plaza Bangna branch, and The Mall Bangkapi branch. 3 Continuous expansion of new store format "After You Marketplace" Developed and created more than 17 new products Expand pop-up stores
volume of energy drinks under Carabao trademark in the United Kingdom improved quarterly, up from the average monthly sales volume of 368k cans in the 2nd quarter of 2017 to 868k cans in the 3rd quarter of
. • Anecdotal evidence suggests firms that choose to list via RTOs (back-door listing) are low quality firms and that these transactions can be associated with pump-and-dump schemes. • Evaluation on the merits of