system for retain documents relating to payment to the fund, trade date, and payment out of the fund to the member that is easy to search and secure from unrelated persons and having control on correction
Document and Information Retention (1) Having a system for retain documents relating to payment to the fund, trade date, and payment out of the fund to the member that is easy to search and secure from
global crude oil price during June 2018, prompting the Company to prolong service station price adjustment to relief consumer burden. 3. The Company is still able to retain its second place market share in
และในหลายครั้งไมอาจปรับโครงสรางภายใตประกาศดังกลาวขางตนได เนื่องจากจํากัด ขอบเขตไวเฉพาะ holding co. (“hold co.”) ที่ต้ังใหม หรือบริษทัจดทะเบียนเทานัน้ การปรับโครงสราง จึงตองใชข้ันตอนปกติตาม
the period the Group has invested in 3 associated company as follow; - Sales and installation of tools and machinery, hold 47.50% of paid-up capital with initial investment of 1.42 Million Baht - Repair
: กำหนด single entity limit ของ retail MF ดังนี้ (1) กองทุน buy & hold ไม่เกิน 10% ของ NAV  
bank branches hold market shares in assets, deposits, and net loans, as shown in the table below: (Unit: Million Baht) Bank Assets Market Share (%) Deposits Market Share (%) Net Loans Market Share
through stock repurchase on February 27, 2017 for 165,000,000 shares at Baht 140.25 million. However, the treasury shares could not all be distributed and the transaction is reversed to retain earning at
them or their customers. Therefore, the company's performance is mostly affected by its ability to win and retain business from the existing and new customers. In turn, customer demand is affected by
capital, in amount 165 million shares or 140.25 million Baht however, the company cannot sell the treasury stock on time, the allowance for treasury stock transaction is reversed to retain earning in amount