6.77 34.15 50.15 39.60 10.55 26.64 Key financial ratio related with operating result (%) For the quarterly Change For the six-month period Change 2Q20 2Q19 % YoY 2020 2019 %YoY Gross profit margin from
comprehensive income - - - N/A - - - N/A Total comprehensive income for the period (0.83) 8.15 8.98 -1078.65% 1.10 14.59 13.50 1231.12% Gross profit margin 20.26% 28.91% 20.77% 28.65% Net profit margin -1.34
6.9% and 10.7% respectively, while international business grew at 10.4% at constant FX. - Q3’19 Net profit* was at THB 838 million, +8.5% YoY, with net profit* margin of 13.2%, +10 bps YoY. 9M’19 Net
53% Net Profit for the Company 49 50 2% 147 237 61% Gross profit margin (%) 64.5 % 64.0 % (0.5%) 66.8% 64.7 % (2.1%) EBITDA margin (%) 29.9 % 27.2 % (2.7%) 26.9% 30.0 % 3.1% Net profit margin (%) 19.3
% Net Profit for the Company 38 65 71% 99 187 89% Gross profit margin (%) 68.4% 64.7% (3.7%) 67.7% 65.0% (2.7%) EBITDA margin (%) 28.6% 31.2% 2.6% 25.7% 30.9% 5.2% Net profit margin (%) 17.6% 20.6% 3.0
53% Net Profit for the Company 49 50 2% 147 237 61% Gross profit margin (%) 64.5 % 64.0 % (0.5%) 66.8% 64.7 % (2.1%) EBITDA margin (%) 29.9 % 27.2 % (2.7%) 26.9% 30.0 % 3.1% Net profit margin (%) 19.3
% Net Profit for the company 29 63 117% 60 123 105% Gross profit margin (%) 67.0% 64.4% (2.6%) 67.4% 64.9% (2.5%) EBITDA margin (%) 23.2% 30.2% 7.0% 24.1% 30.7% 6.6% Net profit margin (%) 13.9% 20.0% 6.1
at THB 710 million, +7.5% YoY, with net profit* margin of 11.3%, +20 bps YoY. 1H’19 Net profit* was at THB 1,599 million, +10.7% YoY, with 1H’19 net profit* margin of 12.6%, +60 bps YoY. Excluding the
- Despite the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, OSP managed to deliver Q1’20 Net profit* at THB 926 million (+4.2% YoY, +12.5% QoQ), with Q1’20 net profit* margin of 13.8% (-20 bps YoY, +140 bps QoQ), from the
PowerPoint Presentation After You Public Company Limited Management Discussion & Analysis Q3/2020 Management Discussion & Analysis Q3/2020 Gross Profit and Gross Profit Margin • The Company’s gross