2018 are expected to grow 12% and 38% from 2017 respectively. 2. Real Estate Services: after-sale services are provided in all condominium projects to ensure that customers are taken care of. Four
and with the strategy to grow its business via M&A, short-term debts, i.e. collateral-free bridging loans, are designated sources of funds, particularly in acquiring lands and assets. Post acquisition
management service to other companies so as to generate recurring income for the organization. All aspects of the business operation are revised, enabling the Company to grow in a sustainable manner and in
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rental space business did not grow much compared to the market growth. Therefore, the Company has focused on cost reduction as well as diversifying the business groups of the Company to increase revenue
continued to grow with driving force of the export of goods grew better and more thorough. And the tourism sector continues to expand. Meanwhile, the government investment slowed down somewhat after
continued to grow with driving force of the export of goods grew better and the tourism sector continues to expand. Including the private consumption and private investment has expanded. Also, the
successful acquisition of DuraFiber in Mexico and France as well as the announced pro- jects in China and Indonesia will help grow the HVA portfolio within the Fi- bers business and will provide further growth
debentures t quity equal t crease from al debt to eq unted recei ng to acquir to grow rev , just inaug he begging on. But it wi nowledgem ompany ha o 37.6 millio wever, loan ompany had on baht or 2 to replace
maintenance and higher fuel costs. We are confident that the operational improvements made will allow us to grow sustainably in the final quarter of 2017 and into 2018.” 2. Outlook With a pickup in global trade