operation, executives and employees, who are specialized in its business operation, from Excellent Graphics Co., Ltd. (“EG”) and Wrap Graphic Company Limited (“WG”) (whose shareholders has become that
assessed the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of LH Financial Group Public Company Limited and rated the company in "Excellent" level with the full score of 100 for 7 consecutive years
new handset sales. The FBB business grew 13% YoY and 2.2% QoQ with our excellent service quality and execution of product bundling strategy, we expanded to the untapped areas and brought in continuous
deliver excellent financial products and an unsurpassed service experience to all our customers. Meanwhile, KBank places equal importance on supporting functions which are in harmony with our business
679.50 million baht (based on 46.00% of GS's issued and paid-up capital). New recurring income opportunities come from the company's regular business. The value of the investment. Does not affect the
increase of 4.5% YoY and 4.4% QoQ in spite of rising network D&A. As a result of recurring tax benefits from investments in 2016 and 2017, effective tax rate stood at 17% in 1Q18. 4 1Q18 MD&A Advanced Info
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เพ่ิงซือ้กิจการเข้ามา ในขณะที่รายได้จากธุรกิจให้บริการด้านบริหารจดัการ บญัชีและการเงินลดลง 14.32 ล้านบาท หรือคิดเป็นร้อยละ 12.1 บริษัทฯมีรายได้ที่เกิดขึน้ประจ า (Recurring Revenue) 449.58 ล้านบาท (ปี 2561
%. Network OPEX was Bt5,043mn increasing 99% YoY mainly from the Bt2,375mn payment for TOT partnership (a recurring quarterly run-rate since 4Q16). Excluding this, network OPEX to service revenue was
— in residential industry, also gained the most popularity in condominium brand in Japan. In addition NRED also has experience in Recurring Income business in Japan. Thus the opportunity to enter a joint