-2024 Balance by Quarter Change Topic Q2-24 Q1-24 Q2-23 Q2-24 VS Q1-24 Q2-24 VS Q2-23 (Million Baht: MB) (MB) % (MB) % Total revenue 1,866.9 1,684.4 1,703.0 182.5 10.8 163.9 9.6 Total operating expenses
Summary of operations and the factors that make a significant change Summary of Operations for the Year 2017 Topic Annual Balance Change 2017 2016 2017 VS 2016 (MB) (MB) % Total Revenue 5,397.2 4,419.1
Summary of operations and the factors that make a significant change Summary of Operations for the Year 2017 Topic Annual Balance Change 2017 2016 2017 VS 2016 (MB) (MB) % Total Revenue 5,397.2 4,419.1
receivable under finance lease, Financial Performance of the Group 2 Sales and service income for the period ended 31 March 2021 and 2020 are presented below: Sales and service income Q1-2021 Q1-2020 Change
-2022 Balance by Quarter Change Topic Q2-22 Q1-22 Q2-21 Q1-22 VS Q1-22 Q2-22 VS Q2-21 (Million Baht: MB) (MB) % (MB) % Total revenue 1,711.8 1,399.2 2,081.2 312.6 22.3 (369.4) (17.7) Total operating
Company’s operating performance in 2017 and 2016 is shown in the following table: FY2017 FY2016 % Change FY2015 % Change [Amount in Baht Million] Y-o-Y Y-o-Y [2017 VS. 2016] [2016 VS. 2015] Sales Revenue
exchange rate of receivable under finance lease agreement, gain(loss) on forward contracts, insurance claim and gain from business acquisition. Change QoQ Consolidated financial statements Change YoY 2
-assessment and transition planning, which draws on existing initiatives and resources. The Expectations Ladder is inclusive and designed for all investors, regardless of where they are on their climate change
- 2020 Balance by Quarter Change Q2–20 Q1–20 Q2–19 Q2–20 VS Q1–20 Q2–20 VS Q2–19 (Million Baht: MB) (MB) % (MB) % Total Revenue 1,187.6 1,231.7 1,729.6 (44.1) (3.6) (542.0) (31.3) Total Operating Expenses
Total 726.04 631.90 -94.14 -12.97 179.96 158.08 150.29 -7.79 -4.93 -29.67 -19.74 C on so lid at ed S ta te m en t N D R S ta te m en t Unit : Million Baht 2018 2019 Change (+/-) Q4/18 Q3/19 Q4/19 Change