increase in trade receivable and other receivable and property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets increased as the company bought fixed assets and software to use in the operation during the period
Baht 13 million and Baht 12 million or 22% and 37%, respectively. The export sales to Africa declined because in the end of last year, the primary customers bought a large lot from the Company to stock
in the period. However, property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets increased as the company bought fixed assets and software to use in the operation during the period. Total Liabilities Total
period. However, property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets increased as the company bought fixed assets and software to use in the operation during the period. Total Liabilities Total
payment according to the resolution of the Board of Directors Meeting No. 2/2020, amount to THB 20.3 MB. And decreased from the share repurchase project in which the Company had bought the shares in the
bought the shares in the amount of THB 30.0 MB Please be informed accordingly, Yours Sincerely, (Miss Valarlak Ngamchitcharoen) Managing Director
bought it at the beginning of a period and held it until the end. Fund A: 5 Year Total Return 10.19% 5 year Investor Return 2.49% Investment Growth Est Net Flow Source: Morningstar Direct, Data as of 30
แนะน า ความคิดเหน็ : ภาพรวม (ต่อ) • เห็นพลงัของการบังคับออม เช่น กองทนุส ารองเลีย้งชีพ และอยาก ใหเ้พิ่มอตัราสมทบขัน้ต ่ากลบัไปเป็น 3% • Funds are sold, not bought! การมีผูแ้นะน า Financial Products ท่ี
Microsoft Word - 2019-03-13_การขายหุ้น DDCJ_EN Pace Development Corporation Public Company Limited 87/2 CRC Tower, All Seasons Place 45th Fl., Unit 4, Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
(Translation) Pace Development Corporation Public Company Limited 87/2 CRC Tower, All Seasons Place 45th Fl., Unit 3, Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel. +66 2 654 3344 Fax