) cash and bank deposits; (b) securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreement with accrued interests; (c) promissory notes and bills of exchange issued by financial institutions under the law on
Baht 2.76 million, increased from the same quarter of 2018 by Baht 0.63 million, or 29.58% due to payment of loan interest to financial institutions. 5. The Company had net loss of Baht 42.71 million
, increased from the same quarter of 2018 by Baht 6.97 million, or 32.37% due to payment of loan interest to financial institutions. 5. The Company had net loss of Baht 61.65 million, increased from the same
normal administration. 6. Finance cost was Baht 13.65 million; increased Baht 2.42 million or 21.51% from the same period of last year. This is the result from increasing in short term loans from financial
million increased by THB8.94 million from the same period of last year, or 149.51% increase, as a result of borrowing from financial institutions to invest in real estate project and the increase in the
Company’s total assets amounted to Baht 1,689.34 million and Baht 1,781.52 million, respectively. Major assets were short-term investments at financial institutions, and property, plant and equipment. As of
in short term loans from financial institutions using for company’s working capital. Yours faithfully (Mr. Pert Leevilaikunratt) Company Secretary
-term loans from financial institutions due within one year increased amounted 4.5 million baht and Accrued income tax increased amounted 19.2 million baht. (2.2) Non-Current Liabilities As at September
cost 3.50 million baht, a decrease of 0.53 million baht compared to the same period of the year 2018, which had financial cost 4.03 million baht or 13.19% decrease due to short-term loans from financial
on using fund from financial institutions. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Mr. Yutaka Ito (Mr. Yutaka Ito) President