ผู้สมัคร ควรอนุญำตให้เฉพำะผู้สมคัรที่ม ีrequired set of qualifications เข้ำร่วม โครงกำร นอกจำกนี้ ผู้สมัครควรมีกำรเป็น partner กับบรษิัทหลักทรัพย์ เพื่อให้มั่นใจว่ำนวัตกรรมจะไม่สร้ำงผลกระทบต่อตลำดทุน
of such persons is the employer of the purchaser / transferor of the securities; business relationship, e.g., strategic partner, trade partner, etc; other forms of relationship. Specify. In case of
บัญชี (partner)1 46 - 407 2.9% - 6.5% 1.57% - 7.20% 1 หุ้นส่วนงานสอบบัญชี หมายถึง ผูร้ับผิดชอบหลักต่องานสอบบัญชี ไดแ้ก ่หุ้นส่วนที่ลงนามในรายงานการสอบบัญชี (“signing partner”) และหุ้นสว่นที่ รับผิดชอบงาน
of such persons is the employer of the purchaser / transferor of the securities; business relationship, e.g., strategic partner, trade partner, etc; other forms of relationship. Specify. In case of
in associate 2.14 1.44 0.70 48.6% Income tax expenses -49.39 -67.95 18.56 -27.3% Net profit 200.70 270.07 -69.37 -25.7% Minority interest in subsidiary -57.11 -61.89 4.78 -7.7% Net profit of the
104.79 1.35 1.3% Total expenses 3,066.16 2,946.38 119.78 4.1% Earning before interest and tax 341.41 279.67 61.74 22.1% Finance cost -4.83 -8.02 3.19 -39.8% Share of profit from investment in associate
of income from investment in associate 0.42 0.25 0.17 68.0% Corporate Income tax expenses -14.11 -14.83 0.72 -4.9% Net profit for the period 56.90 59.32 -2.42 -4.1% Profit Sharing for non-controlling
associate and joint ventures 16.2 2.3 (50.2) (2.9) (409.9%) Profit (loss) before income taxes 169.9 23.7 (174.5) (10.0) (202.8%) Income tax expenses (34.7) (4.8) (27.4) (1.5) (21.1%) Profit (loss) of the year
expenses (148.5) (9.3%) (245.0) (9.3%) 65.0% Administrative expenses (311.6) (19.6%) (799.4) (30.3%) 156.6% Other income 452.4 28.4% 147.5 5.6% (67.4%) Share of profit (loss) from investment in an associate
. Administrative expenses In 3Q2023, administrative expenses were THB 9.06 million, increased by THB 1.17 million or +14.79% YoY. This was mainly due to the increase in expenses regarding investments in associate