Bangkok, January 14, 2015 - The SEC imposed a one month and ten days suspension on {A}, a securities investment consultant of Krungthai Bank PLC., for failure to inform complete and adequate
w w . g e t a b e c b o i l e r . c o m GETABEC Public Company Limited, 335/7 Srinakarin Road, Nongbon, Pravet, Bangkok 10250, Tel: (66) 02 366 0400, Fax: (66) 02 366 0399, ที
184.1million, a decrease of Baht 8.21million or equal to approx. 4.27% yoy; whereas, core revenue fromFerry service was Baht 161.35 million, 87% of total revenue which decrease of Baht 6.61 million, or equal to
Microsoft Word - MD&A 1Q2018-T R.doc ที สลบ. 024/2561 วนัที 14 พฤษภาคม 2561 เรือง คําอธบิายและวเิคราะหข์องฝ่ายจัดการไตรมาส 1 สิ/นสดุวนัที 31 มนีาคม 2561 เรยีน กรรมการและผูจั้ดการ ตลาดหลักทรัพยแ์หง่
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operators and disseminate information on benefits of the Thai capital market to be seen as a source for fund raising which is not less important and attractive than loans from financial institutions. This
encourage more listed companies to seek cross-listings in the region to broaden their investor base. With more cross-listings, investors in the region will have easier access to a broader choice of
project, auditors will be classified into 2 groups: (I) auditors for companies in capital market and (II) auditors for companies to be listed on SMEs board which will be launched in the future for